Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hers. Mine. Ours.

To make things fun, my best friend and I chose to tell each other what to write about.  We chose to write about our friendship.  This shall be interesting to see how we view it when we compare them at the end. 

Our friendship started when another one ended.  We decided to dump a mutual friend to the waste side when we realized it was toxic to be around her.  Now we sort of gravitate towards each other because we understand each other.  As time passed on, we became more honest.  We get in tiffs because sometimes our brutal honesty is too much to handle.  I personally prefer to be straight forward, it saves time, and if feelings get hurt along the way then so be it, I can explain later.  Everything tends to be upfront and on the table.  It was not always like this.  Lets revisit the past again just a little.  Our fights use to consist of a few mean words exchanged and then a period of ignoring each other, then once again that gravitational pull played an effect and we were right by each others sides.  As we matured we began to tell each other right away when we did something that bothered each other.  We realized that every time we fought we wasted valuable time!  The days are getting shorter, college is right around the corner and we do not need another day apart due to fighting.  We can go hours on the phone, days with out end together, and then all of the sudden weeks apart.  No matter what we still come back to each other.

Although we are close and we do not need much verbal communication to get what we mean or want to say, we are actually really different people that find commonalities with in our differences.  I am a devout Roman-Catholic and she an Atheist.  With those beliefs we tend to act differently with certain things.  I mostly preach to her when I think it is appropriate.  I went to confessions recently and told her about it, she is now going to let me take her.  I am proud of my best friend because she is not narrow minded and is open to try things.  She agreed on going on the basis that my priest was able to give applicable advice and is not just a man of the Lord but of knowledge also.  Yes she believes that because I told her that, but that is the beauty of trust.  She is originally from Albania and wants to be part of the American culture more than of the Albanian.  I on the other hand was born in the United States and want to revert to my Mexican culture from which my parents are native born.  The cool thing is that both of our parents watch Spanish novelas.  We get a kick out of that.  Speaking about parents, we love our mothers dearly and share that love with each others too.  Currently on my fridge I have a picture of us four from prom.  We are both standing with each others moms, not our own.

As we see our other friendships we have with other people and others friendships, we laugh.  It is so easy to tell when there is a dominant friend who bosses the other around.  That is all fine and dandy since those differing personalities may click better that way.  We take pride in being equal.  We dont try to one up each other instead we help each other out and praise our own individual achievements.  Being girls, we like to dress up.  Her style is.... questionable sometimes, and I voice my opinions about her... outfits that she puts together.  Instead of being offended she says something about mine and we agree to disagree.  But most of the time she listens to me :)  We have a mutual friend that always wants to dress the same and does not feel comfortable leaving the house unless we all look the same.  That not only irks me but her too.  We work best in a pair because we want to be individuals.  As contradicting that statement may sound, it makes sense.  We do not need each other but because of that fact we enjoy each others presence so much more.  When other friends are thrown in the mix we value our own more because of how dysfunctional theirs are.

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