Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fashion Is A Way Of Living

Today I was assigned to write my last blog.  First of all, I want to emphasize and stress the importance of this blog.  The idea of the end is coming too fast.  Do not get it twisted, I want to get out of high school faster than anybody else.  I am ready to explore greater things, take on more responsibility, and start from scratch in college once again as a freshman.  Did you just notice my word choice?  In order to start I must end

I understand that, but there are certain things I will miss, this being one of them.  Teachers are next on my list, I have formed a greater bond with teachers than my peers.  This is because it was a different relationship, with respect and valid acknowledgement.  I will be keeping in touch with more teachers than students once I set off for college.  After teachers, my peers come next.  I am happy  to say that I have found those few honest and loyal friends that I can laugh, reminice, and share my life with.  Above all, I will miss my mother, yes I will only be in La Crosse, but not being able to hug her in the morning or kiss her goodnight is saddening.  Atleast I will be able to still call her and ask for advice.  I am most greatful for the hardships I have encountered.  With out them, I would not be the person I am today.  What is that you may ask?  Well good question, I am still trying to figure that out as well.  I do not think I will honestly be able to answer that ever, but I do know of the person I aspire to be: forgiving, patient, open-hearted, kind, respectful, selfless, and happy.  I do believe I am all of those things today, but not on a regular basis, but that is a challenge I strive to overcome until it comes naturally for me, even on the most difficult days.  

When I was thinking of what could be my last blog, I looked on the list I made myself for possibilites.  One that stood out the most was clothes, not the material, brand, size, but the meaning behind the clothes.  It is one of the ways I express myself each and every day.  I thought this best suited the fianlity because it is an insight to me, my outlook on others, and the world. 

I never understood the phrase, "pain is beauty," for I think the oppisite.  Beauty to me means comfertability.  When I feel comfertable I am confident, relaxed, and "beautiful".  When I was younger I never payed attention to fashion trends, not because I felt a rebel against all modern fashion, but because the money was never available.  I would use hand me downs from my sister to even cousins.  When name brand clothes began to mix in to my closet, I became fixated on only that.  I began to believe I was only "cool" to wear name brand clothing.  I still did not feel as if that really suited me.  I began to work in the summer and collected what ever money I had and started deviating from the expensive tags.  I shopped wisely but fashionably.  I still fall in trend with what is on television and magazines, but for the most part, I like to just buy what is cute.  According to most boys at my school, I dress weird, that to me is a compliment.  My favorite remark from some one was "those look like dutch shoes," awesome!

When I first got news that I was chosen for "best dressed" in our senior poll, I was not excited, but I was pleased.  I take pride in what I wear.  Sometimes when I am feeling very tired and just need to go to school for testing, then yes I will wear sweat pants and a hoodie.  I do not feel that is an emberassment, for that is what I feel comfertable in.  If at all possible, I do not like wearing things more than once within the  same month.  That in my case is not always possible, but each time I do have to reuse, I do it with different accessories and change it up a bit. 

Just like I said in my last blog, when you are trying to say something it is better when explained with a story line.  I feel strongly about clothing and it is also a form of explaining.  I have been told I look like different ethnicities with what I wear: Mexican (which I am), Italian, Brazilian, Portegues, Venezuelen, Spaniard, Native American, Puerto Rican, to even Russian.  I am not going to lie, that makes me secretely happy.  Figuring out who I am does not mean I have to stick to one image.  It can also be age decieving.  The point being, chosing what you wear is fun.  Wear your clothes do not let your clothes wear you!

I have many designers in mind when I chose how to wear my clothes.  What I found interesting was that I actually have more than just common likes and dislikes of designers, but also a common background and train of thought as them.  I was excited to watch the Ralph Lauren interview on Oprah, I feel more in tune than before about style and no, having a good style is not all about wearing crazy outfits that makes a statement, just ones that make you comfertable.

Ralph: The question is, "Why do you know who you are?" There I was, an insecure kid with a sense of style and—

Oprah: Were you always the best-dressed kid in school?

Ralph: As a kid, I was always into clothes, but I didn't have the money to buy them. When I'd get my brothers' hand-me-downs, there was an energy in me that made me say, "I want to get my own things, to make my own statement." Somewhere along the line, that energy—coupled with my exposure, through movies, to a world I hadn't known—turned into something.

Oprah: What you do is beyond clothes—it's about life. I get you, Ralph!

Ralph: You've got it. Over the years, we've all probably seen Cary Grant or Fred Astaire with their shoes lined up in a closet and thought, "Wow, that's amazing." As a kid, I shared a messed-up closet with my brothers—I couldn't even find my clothes. When I went to a friend's house and saw his closet, I thought, "My God, look at the shoe horns in his shoes!" It's those little things that make you think, "Could I have that?"

I love Ralph Lauren.

Adios bloggers, stay simplemente simple.

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